Poker Nl Holdem

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Powered by three of Poker Pro Labs industry leading software and statistics solutions - Hold'em Profiler, Tournament Shark, and Poker Calculator Pro - Super HUD is the last customizable poker HUD you'll ever need. Texas Hold’em, otherwise known as Hold’em is the world’s favorite poker variant. This game is played fast and furious, at bricks and mortar Las Vegas casinos, and at the top-ranking online poker rooms.

What is Short Deck Poker?

Short-deck poker (also known as six-plus hold'em) is a new variation of traditional Texas hold'em that mostly follows the same rules albeit with a significant difference.

Short-deck poker uses a smaller 36-card deck rather than the full 52-card deck.

Most first heard of short-deck poker after it was introduced among the mix in the high-stakes cash games in Macau.

Play Short-Deck Poker Online

6+ Short-deck poker is available online on the following websites:


Short-Deck Poker Rules

Before we discover how to play short-deck poker, let's see how to get to the 36-card deck needed to play a game of 6+ hold'em.

The 36-card deck in use in poker short deck is created by removing the 2xs, 3xs, 4xs, and 5xs from the deck (16 cards).

That leaves the 6xs up through the Kxs as well as the Axs.

What about the Aces?

As in regular hold'em, in short-deck poker the aces still count as high or low when making straights.

The lowest possible straight in a game of short-deck poker is Ax9x8x7x6x (think of the ace as essentially replacing the missing 5x).

Poker short-deck is played similarly to regular hold'em.

Each player receive two hole cards and use them in combination with five community cards to create the best possible hand.

A game of short-deck poker features four streets of betting:

  1. Pre-flop
  2. Flop
  3. Turn
  4. River

However, there are some differences in the poker short-deck poker that you should know about before playing.

Short-Deck Poker Hand Rankings

Short-deck poker can be played according to the exact same rules as regular Texas Hold'em.

The betting can be fixed-limit or no-limit (although most often the game is played no-limit), and the same hand rankings can be used as follows:

Hand RankingHand NamePoker Hand
LowestHigh cardKx6x9x8xQx
One pairKK5x8xQx
Two pairKK66Qx
Full houseKKK66
Straight flush6789
HighestRoyal flush10JQKA

For more info about the hand rankings in poker and which hand wins, visit our guide to poker hands.

Alternative Short-Deck Hand Rankings

Short-deck poker is played often employing a different hand ranking system. Here are the alternate hand rankings for short-deck poker (note the differences in bold):

Hand RankingHand NamePoker Hand
LowestHigh cardKx6x9x8xQx
One pairKK5x8xQx
Two pairKK66Qx
Three of a kindKKK6Qx
Full houseKKK66
Four of a kindKKKK6x
Straight flush6789
HighestRoyal flush10JQKA

As you can see, following these alternate poker short deck hand rankings a three-of-a-kind beats a straight (instead of vice-versa), and a flush beats a full house (instead of vice-versa).

Why a Different Hand Rankings?

These changes were introduced the because the removal of cards from the standard deck alter the probabilities of making certain hands.

For example, with only nine suited cards (instead of 13), a flush is harder to make in shord-deck poker than in regular hold'em.

Six-Plus Hold'em Variation — The Deal (Fifth Street)

One other popular variation often introduced in six-plus hold'em has to do with the way the river is dealt.

The game can be played according to the same procedure followed in regular hold'em, with the community cards coming in the same way — flop (three cards), turn (one card), and river (one card) — and betting rounds after each street.

More often, though, instead of a river card being dealt to complete a five-card board, players are each dealt a third hole card instead.

Players then make their five-cardpoker hands by using exactly two of their three hole cards and three of the four community cards.

The building of hands resembles the procedure followed in Omaha poker where players must use two of their four hole cards plus three board cards to make a five-card poker hand.

Short-Deck Poker Basic Strategy

As you might imagine, the removal of low cards and use of the 36-card deck makes it more likely to make higher value hands, a change that tends to introduce more action.

You should adjust your thinking about relative hand values from what they are used to in regular hold'em.

The smaller deck makes it easier to make two-pair hands, which means a hand like top pair-top kicker is no longer as strong in six-plus hold'em as it is in regular hold'em.

Straights and full houses are also easier to make in six-plus hold'em than in the regular version of the game (a reason for the alternate hand rankings).

The odds of hitting certain draws change, too, in short-deck pokr.

Just to highlight one example, filling an open-ended straight draw becomes more likely in poker short-deck.

While you're still looking for the same eight outs there are fewer total cards in the deck, thus increasing the percentage you'll make your straight.

The smaller deck also affects the likelihood of being dealt certain hands. [∫]You're more than twice as likely to get pocket aces[/B] in short-deck poker than you are in regular hold'em!

Finally, players being dealt a third hole card instead of there being a fifth community card obviously affects hand values as well, making it even more likely that players improve their hands — yet another factor that has to be taken into account when calculating odds and considering your final-round betting strategy.


Short-deck poker / 6+ hold'em introduces several exciting twists to traditional Texas hold'em, creating an action-filled alternative that many players are finding especially enjoyable to play.

The changes from regular hold'em aren't terribly complicated, making it easy to new players to learn and play right away.

Short-Deck Poker FAQ

How do you play Short-Deck Poker?

A game of short-deck poker follows the same rules and gameplay as Texas hold'em poker.

The players receive two hole cards and they need to combine them with five community cards to create the best possible five-card hand.

Short-deck poker, however:

  • Uses a 36-card deck rather than the full 52-card deck
  • Ranks the hands differently compared to Texas hold'em

All the details to know before playing a game of short-deck poker are in this article.

Why is short-deck poker so popular?

The game of short-deck poker, os six-plus hold'em became famous at the high-stakes games in Macau. Due to the smaller deck, the game makes it more probably for players to hit high-value combinations.

Where is short-deck poker played?

You can play short-deck poker live at most poker festivals. If you are looking for games of short-deck poker online, check out the pokes sites listed on this page.

What's the best short-deck poker strategy?

The removal of some low-value cards from the deck changes the game's basic strategy and the value of different poker hands.

To understand ranges and odds in short-deck poker, have a look at this article.

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No Limit Texas Hold'em Poker

No-Limit Hold'em is game of general strategy, basic tactical skills useful in all forms of poker, and a game of intense psychology.

Let's first go over general strategy. There are two things you should quickly figure out when you enter a no-limit game:

  • 1. What types of players are my opponents?
  • 2. How many hands go to a showdown?

  • Types of opponents

    Generally, people speak of four types of players: tight-passive, tight-aggressive, loose-passive, loose-aggressive. The first modifier (tight or loose) characterizes the number of hands the person plays while the second (passive or aggressive) describes the player's betting style. I think that for no-limit hold'em, loose-aggressive should be divided into two parts: maniacs and solid players. Let's go over each of these types of players.

    Tight-passive: These people do fine in a fixed-limit game, but they won't win much money in a no-limit game. This is because they do not get full value out of their winning hands. When playing against these players:

    1. Bluff at the flop a lot. Put in a raise preflop, and try to take down the pot at the flop.

    2. Fold when they represent a hand. If they bet a little, they're probably on a draw or have a weak hand. In this case, you should still stick with your hand if you hold something decent. If they bet a lot, they probably possess a solid hand.

    3. Take advantage of your control. Don't go wild with your bluffs, though. You should still fold preflop when you have nothing. If you make a flop bluff, think twice before making another bluff on the turn. Also, you can still win a fair amount of money off of these types of players when you hold a good hand.

    Essentially, you can quickly tame these players into calling stations or folding stations. If one of these players is making a lot of money against you while being a calling or folding station, you are doing something seriously wrong. These players are common, and you will certainly encounter quite a few of them.

    Loose-passive: These players have to hope that people continually bluff into them, because they frequently call with the second-best hand. Calling with the second-best hand is a recipe for disaster at no-limit games. You won't often see loose-passives playing no-limit hold'em, because they lose money too quickly playing the game. If you are fortunate enough to have a loose-passive player at your table, just win money off of him by making mid-sized bets when you hold a good hand.

    Maniac loose-aggressive: These guys will buy a fair share of pots. However, they will often get themselves trapped, and they will lose their stacks in one or two hands. What separates these players from good loose-aggressives is that they lack discipline. They love the action of no-limit so much that they get themselves trapped too easily. These types of players are rare.

    Strong loose-aggressive: These guys seem like they are horrible maniacs, but in reality, they are a very dangerous form of player. They will certainly lose a lot of money in pots, but they also will buy a lot of pots and win huge ones. Many of the best no-limit players in the world use this style, but I would not recommend trying to mimic this style as a beginner. The way these players win is mainly by getting a good read on the opponent, and then making a well-timed bet.

    One way I try to beat these guys is to take them down in one big pot. Since they will play a lot of hands, especially shorthanded, they'll often play hands that lend themselves to being the second-best hand. Once I catch them in this situation, I just have to make sure I don't let them go too easily. Another tip is to make sure you are playing in a game where the money is not too meaningful to you. You should not let these players scare you financially when they make a large bet or raise. You need to be able to play back at these guys by re-raising or call them down.

    These players only do well when people have large stacks. If you or the loose-aggressive player has a small stack, you are at an advantage because their ability to bluff is limited.

    Tight-aggressive: This is my style and the strategy that I'll teach. The tight-aggressive's main problems are that he may get bluffed out too easily and that he may be too easy to read.

    Showdown Percentage

    This is a critical concept in no-limit hold'em. Since no-limit lends itself to bluffing, one can make a lot of money simply by stealing pots if your opponents are very tight. However, this strategy obviously fails if everyone shows you down at the river!

    Generally, before I play in a game, I pay attention to the number of hands going to showdowns. This is really easy to do on the internet because you don't even need to watch the game. You just leave the window open, go eat a snack, go to the bathroom, whatever. Come back twenty minutes later and see what sort of game you are about to dive into. All you have to do is scroll through the chat box and see how many hands went to showdowns and how big the pots tend to get.

    All things being equal, more showdowns are better. While it is impossible to bluff if everyone calls you down, you stand to make a lot more money if people call you with tenuous holdings. The best way to make money at no-limit games is to simply sell your hand when you have it. If people call down a lot, you will be able to extract a lot of money from pot-sized or larger bets when you hit a premium holding (such as a flush or set).

    Types of Hands to Play

    The types of hands you play in no-limit differ than those in fixed-limit. This is because of implied odds. Hands like KQ go down in value because they cannot withstand much pressure. Even if you hit a King with this type of hand, you still may be losing to a set, two pair, AK, or eventually to a draw. Thus, with big cards, you generally want to take down the pot at the flop. The exception to this is if you think you have someone outkicked (like with AK vs. KJ with a K on the board), or if you hit the flop hard (like KK3 when you hold AK). In these cases, you generally want to extract money from your opponent bit by bit.

    The types of hands that go up in value or ones that you can bet with confidence: pocket pairs and suited connectors (strong draws in general). Pocket pairs do well because they are sneaky and can often withhold pressure. With pocket pairs, you can bet hard if you have a set or an overpair, which are hands that people generally don't expect. Suited connectors go up in value for several reasons. First, if the flop comes weird, you generally will be paid off.

    You'll get paid off a lot more on this flop than you would lose to the AK if the flop were A 7 2.

    Furthermore, you can take down pots and disguise your hand with semi-bluffing.

    People will probably put you on a Jack if you bet at this flop. They will then either fold or call. You'll either take down the pot at the flop, or you'll be drawing to a hand that people don't expect.

    Please realize that your stack size greatly affects the types of hands you should play. Big, unpaired cards like AK or KQ do better with smaller stacks, while suited connectors are more effective with larger stacks. For more information about this, check out the 'Stack Sizes' section further down on this page.

    How to Bet

    Many novice no-limit players simply don't know how much to bet. Here's the concept in a nutshell. You want extract as much money as you can from opponents who have made hands but are losing to you. You want to give people with draws bad odds. At the same time, you don't want to trap yourself.

    You want to put in pot-sized bets here. This is because your opponent probably has either a straight draw or a pair of Aces. If he has a straight draw, you don't want him to draw on the cheap. If he has pair of Aces, he probably won't let go of them, so take as much as you can.

    Bet into this flop, but don't bet too much. A proper bet would be just enough to make people fold if they don't have an Ace but enough to maybe make an AQ freeze up and 'just' call. A half-pot-sized bet would be advisable in this situation. This way you draw relatively cheaply and can punish your opponents if you hit your flush.

    Poker Nl Holdem Games

    Poker Nl Holdem

    This relates back to the showdown percentage. More showdowns means bluffing is less effective. Less showdowns means bluffing could be more effective. If you are in a game with a lot of showdowns (typical of lower stakes), cut down on bluffing and punish them when you have a strong hand.

    Advanced No-Limit Hold'em

    According to famous poker player and author Doyle Brunson, no-limit hold'em is the Cadillac of all poker games. The skill involved with no-limit games is tremendous, even seasoned professionals admit that they still have a lot to learn at no-limit hold'em. However, don't let this scare you; no-limit hold'em is, in my opinion, the most fun of all poker games as well. It can also be profitable, sometimes even for beginners.

    After playing no-limit extensively, I've noticed that the keys to winning no-limit are one's knowledge of the game and his ability to adapt to his opponents' knowledge. You must know what your skills are at no-limit and what stages of the game you have mastered. Once you realize how good you are at no-limit, you must then apply this to how others at your table play no-limit badly.

    For the sake of simplicity, I am going to divide the skills of no-limit into several stages. After mastering each of these stages, one can expect his or her profit potential at no-limit hold'em to increase.

    Pot odds

    You must understand what odds you are getting if you call a bet with a draw. Since you can decide the size of the bet (it's not fixed), you should know if you are getting or giving good odds to someone.

    Poker Nl Holdem Poker

    For example, calling an unraised pot preflop with 5 5 is good odds. If you hit a set, you can expect to make a lot of money (people will not expect it, so they will call with top pair). However, let's say you have a flush draw after the turn. The pot is $10 and someone bets $20 all-in, you are getting horrible odds. You have roughly a 1 in 5 shot of hitting on the river, and you would be betting $20 to win $50.

    As basic as this may be, many no-limit players have not even mastered this stage! So, if you are still insecure about pot odds, don't worry. Many others are too, and often they don't even realize it.

    Knowing the differences between Limit and No-Limit

    Attempting to check-raising for value is far less valuable when playing a no-limit game than a limit one because you may be giving your opponent's a deadly free card. In limit poker, if you have the second-best hand, you will lose a little bit. In no-limit, you could lose your entire stack!

    Texas Hold'em Poker No Limit


    Betting is generally preferable to calling in a no-limit game. When you bet, you can win if you have the better hand or if your opponent folds. If you call, you can only win if you have your opponent beaten. If you bet, you determine the bet size. You determine the pot odds. If you call, you are accepting someone else's odds.

    If you bet, you force people to pay off when you have a good hand. If you are a caller, you have to hope someone else will willingly pay you off. The importance of aggression is why tight-passive players can win a lot more at limit than no-limit.

    Quick Adjustment

    Different types of games require different amounts of aggression. Games with fewer players require one to be looser and more aggressive. However, if you're up against many loose opponents, you must tighten up and wait until you have a strong hand. Generally, the opposite of what the game is does well. If the game is very loose, tighten up. If the game is very tight, take advantage and steal pots.

    You also must adjust to your opponent's quality. If you are up against weak players, simply giving them bad pot odds and taking money from them bit by bit works well. If you are against better players, you must set some traps.

    Reading skills

    Getting an idea of your opponent's cards is very important. This takes time and experience. However, a way to improve your reading skills is what I call the 'three question technique.' Always ask yourself these three questions when someone makes or calls a bet:

  • What does my opponent have?
  • What does my opponent think I have?
  • What does my opponent think I think he has?

  • Psychology and Traps

    When you hold the nuts and your opponent also has a good hand, what's the best way to get all of his chips? Learning to get out of and set traps is very difficult and only experience will help in this department.

    Fundamentally, game psychology and traps are used to manipulate the three questions mentioned earlier. For example, if you overbet the pot with a flush draw and then check when you hold the flush, either your opponent will fall for the trap, thinking you had top pair, or he will recognize the trap and check-fold to you on river. This slowplay is used to manipulate the variable: what does he think I have?

    Generally, this sort of game psychology is only used on good players (players that have mastered the first four steps). Against weaker players, you should just build a good hand and extract money out of them bit by bit. Weaker players just play their hand; they don't think about what you have.

    Who Pays Off

    In the Olympics, second best wins a silver medal. In no-limit hold'em, second best loses large sums of money.

    This concept is probably the toughest for players transitioning from limit to no-limit to understand. If you hold AK and flop top pair in limit hold'em, rarely will you be folding your hand. After all, your hand will win most of the time, and you do not lose too much if your hand ends up placing second. However, if you are not careful at no-limit hold'em, these types of hands will quickly cost you your entire stack.

    There are six types of hands in no-limit hold'em:

    1. Hands that have no value. They cannot even beat a bluff.

    2. Hands that can beat a bluff. For example, middle pair.

    3. Top pair.

    4. Overpair.

    5. Strong hands (that are not quite the nuts).

    6. Nuts or near-nuts.

    Understanding these hand types means understanding how large a pot each hand type can win. Hands of lesser value are generally only able to win smaller pots, because the hands they can beat will not call large bets. For example, suppose you hold A K and the board is A J 4. Someone with K J is simply not going to pay you off that much in this situation.

    However, if you hold A K and the board is A 9 6 5 2, you will likely pay off someone who holds 8 7. Again, the stronger the hand, the more likely someone is to pay off.

    Obviously, any hand is capable of being a nut hand: 7 2 is the nuts on a 7 7 7 4 3 board. Nevertheless, certain starting hands lend themselves more to certain categories.

    High Pocket Pairs (AA, KK, etc.): These hands are typically overpairs. If you are fortunate to hit a set with them, then it is unlikely that you will be paid off. Why? Suppose you hold A A with a board of [[Ac 8h 7h]]. It is unlikely that someone else will have top pair, because there is only one other Ace in the deck. So you are left with relatively few strong hands that you can beat except draws to a hand that beats you.

    Big Unpaired Cards (AK, AQ, etc.): These hands are likely to become top pair. It is possible to hit straights with these hands, too. However, most of the time you form a hand, it will be top pair.

    Small Pocket Pairs (33, 77, etc): They will generally form either category 2, 5, or 6 hands. For example, if you hold pocket sixes, chances are good that the flop will bring you a bunch of overcards or it will make you a set. Thus, your hand will either be weak or extremely strong.

    Suited Connectors or Semi-Connectors (T9s, 64s): These hands tend to be category 1, 2, 5, or 6. What is nice about these hands is that you generally know your place in the pot, because these hands are either very strong or very weak.

    As the rank of a hand increases, the potential risks and rewards of that hand increases as well. Obviously, a trash hand will not win a pot (except with a bluff), but it will not pay off as well.

    However, it gets tricky as you get into top pairs and overpairs. These hands really cannot beat very many hands. Someone with middle pair will not call you down for big bets unless they think you are bluffing. Nevertheless, players holding top pair often pay off to people who have stronger hands.

    This is why top pair and overpair tend to fare worse in no-limit than they do in fixed-limit. In fixed-limit, the bets are very small in relation to the pot. Because they are so small, people with category 2 hands will pay off, because it is worth risking a small amount of money if there is a decent chance one's opponent is bluffing. So there are a lot of hands that will pay off to top pair.

    However, in no-limit, the bets tend to be large in relation to the pot. Thus, there are much fewer hands that will pay off to top pair, because people would be risking a lot more money to call down with hands that really can only beat bluffs. The hands that pay off top pair are not worth pot-sized bets. However, for many people, top pair and overpairs are worth paying off other people with pot-sized bets.

    This is not to say that top pair is a trash hand in no-limit. It certainly can win a fair share of pots. However, it generally is not able to win huge pots in relation to the blinds. This is why top pair tends to be better if a person has a short stack rather than a large stack. The size of a person's buy-in holds a lot of importance in no-limit, which is why the next chapter is devoted to exploring this subject in depth.

    One final important thing to note is that one pair is the most costly hand in no-limit. In other words, if you tally your net win/loss with all hands (nothing, pair, two pair, etc), you'll find that you lose the most with one pair. This is because you rarely get paid off big with one pair hands but often wind up paying off someone else. At least when you hold nothing you're unlikely to lose very much money since your hand is obviously garbage and makes for an easy fold.

    Stack Sizes and Implied Odds

    One of the most important factors in a no-limit hold'em game is the amount of chips people have at the table. A person's stack size affects the strategy at the table in numerous ways. For example, the amount a person buys in for is often indicative of how well that person plays. Someone may buy in for a small amount because he is not very confident in his skills and does not want to risk much money.

    However, the most important thing about stack sizes is how they affect implied odds. Implied odds is a fancy word for saying 'how much you can expect to win in the future if you make a good hand, taking into account the chance of hitting that strong hand.'

    Let's say you hold 6 5 preflop. Your hand is not very strong. It is also doubtful that you will hit a strong hand at the flop, like a straight or trips. However, you have a good chance of hitting a draw, such as a flush draw or a straight draw. To win a lot of money on this draw, you will probably need to call a bet on the flop and see the turn and river to get the card you need to make a strong hand. If you hit a strong hand, you will want to bet a lot when you have the strong hand.

    If the stack sizes are small, you cannot expect to win much if you chase a flush or straight draw. Speculative hands like suited connectors do well when people have large stack sizes, and they perform poorly when people have small stack sizes.

    To be precise, here is what I consider to be small, medium, and large stack sizes:

    Small stacks 40 big blinds or fewer
    Medium stacks 41 to 99 big blinds
    Large stacks 100 big blinds or more

    You will see different buy-ins for different types of games. For most home games, people buy in for small stacks. A home game with $0.25-$0.50 blinds will typically have $10 to $20 buy-ins (20 to 40 big blinds). These are small stacks.

    Brick-and mortar games have varying stack sizes. Nowadays, it seems that most places in Vegas restrict the buy-ins to about 40 big blinds, so people tend to have short or medium stacks. However, there are B&M games that do not cap the buy-ins, and people with 200-big-blind stacks are common. The games at online poker rooms tend to restrict buy-ins to 100 big blinds, so many people have fairly large stacks.

    Stack sizes do more than just increase the value of speculative hands. They also tend to make the game fancier. Bluffing becomes a more valuable tool when people have larger stacks. You can threaten a much larger amount of money in relation to the pot when people have a lot of chips.

    Suppose there is $10 in the pot. Your opponent's top pair is a marginal hand. While it will beat most hands, there is a lot on the board that massacres his hand (straight, two pair, top pair with higher kicker, etc.)

    Suppose you bet $10. If your opponent has a $10 stack, he will call you, because he has so much already invested in the pot.

    However, suppose your opponent has $100. He will be wary of calling. If he calls, and you fire another pot-sized bet on the turn, he will have to call $40 just to see the river. If you fire another pot-sized bet on the river, he stands to lose his entire stack due to his flimsy hand.

    Large stacks increase the value of bluffing, which also means that marginal hands lose value. A hand like top pair will not get paid off when the stacks are large (except by draws or bluffs), because hands like middle pair are not going to pay off a large amount of money in relation to the pot.

    Large stacks mean that fewer hands go to a showdown, and the ones that do are much more likely to involve powerful hands like straights, flushes, and sets.

    Double Hold'em

    Double Hold'em is a new poker variant that can only be played at Party Poker. The game requires an extra decision than regular hold'em, which makes for softer competition since players are given an additional opportunity to make a mistake.

    Free Online Texas Holdem Poker

    In Double Hold'em, players are dealt three cards. Players remaining in the hand after the flop is dealt must designate one of their three cards as the 'point' card. The point card is placed above the other two cards to form a triangle. It can be used in conjunction with each of the other two cards to form two possible hands.

    For example, suppose you are dealt 9 9 2 and flop comes 9 4 3. The optimal play here would be to designate the 9 as your point card. This gives you top set with one combination (9 9) and a flush draw with the other combination (9 2). The two cards on the bottom, in this case 9 2, cannot be used in combination with each other.

    If the hand reaches a showdown, you play whichever of your two hole card combinations gives you the best five card poker hand.

    Strategy Adjustments

    The first thing to realize about Double Hold'em is that it will take a stronger hand on average to win a pot than it does in regular hold'em. Since players are dealt an extra card, this game rests somewhere in between hold'em and Omaha in terms of how strong of winning hands you can expect to see. However, like hold'em and unlike Omaha, you can play zero, one or two of your hole cards to make the best five card poker hand.

    This means hands like top pair, which are usually quite good in hold'em, become relative garbage in Double Hold'em. For example, suppose you are dealt A 10 4. Three players see a flop of 10 7 6. You designate the A as your point card to give yourself top pair, top kicker with one combination and a backdoor flush draw with the other combination. In regular hold'em, the A 10 hand would be fairly strong on this flop. However, in Double Hold'em, this hand should be played with extreme caution. It is entirely possible that you are losing to an overpair, a flopped straight, two pair, or a set. Even in a best case scenario, you're probably just a small favorite against something like a flush draw or even a flush and straight draw.

    Starting Hands

    As in regular hold'em, it is important to make strong preflop decisions in Double Hold'em. You must be able to identify the relative strength of your hand based on what position you're in and what action has transpired before you. Expect to see more players seeing flops in Double Hold'em than in regular hold'em. Since everyone has an extra card, everyone feels like they can take whatever garbage they were dealt to the flop and figure it out afterwards. This is a very poor strategy. It is still crucially important to fold mediocre hands before the flop.

    In Double Hold'em, you want to play hands that have the possibility of hitting the flop in a couple of different ways. For example, a hand like A 9 8 is pretty good because you've got both straight and flush draw possibilities. It is highly advisable to play non-nut flush hands with caution. In hold'em, any old flush is a pretty strong hand. In Double Hold'em, any old flush could very well be second best to a higher flush.

    Poker No Limit Hold'em Strategy

    Hands with pocket Aces are still very strong (the strongest, to be precise; get it all-in preflop if you can), but hands like pocket Queens and pocket Jacks lose a lot of value. This is because it's much more possible for someone else to have been dealt an overpair before the flop. Additionally, players are going to make it to the flop with A K Q type of hands making it even more difficult for your pair of Jacks to hold up as the best hand.

    Double Hold'em is very much a post-flop game, but that doesn't mean you should take whatever three pieces of paper you were dealt to the flop. Play tight, especially if your table is playing loose, and try to flop big hands that can win large pots. Medium pair type of hands, like K 8 8 become very strong for their set-mining value. See a flop cheaply with those hands, try to flop a set, and if you don't you can get out of the hand for a minimal loss. Avoid playing hands that aren't defined very well and don't have a chance of hitting the flop very hard. For instance, something like K 9 7 might not look too bad, but it should probably be mucked.

    Poker Nl Holdem Card Game

    Determining the Point Card

    Poker Nl Holdem Card Game

    At first, determining the point card might seem like a whole new complicated decision, but this is actually a fairly easy aspect of Double Hold'em. What makes Double Hold'em a challenge isn't determining your point card, it's trying to decide how strong of a hand you have after the flop.

    Most of the time, determining your point card will either a.) not matter or b.) be a very obvious decision, or both. Just ask yourself: which of the three possible hand combinations is worth the least to me? And then break that hand up by making the other card the point card. Very rarely will you have any decisions where all three of your possible hand combinations are all equally valuable (unless they're all just garbage and in that case, just pick a point card at random and be prepared to fold on the flop).

    Sometimes the decision may seem a little tricky. For instance, suppose you hold A 7 6 and the flop comes J 5 4. Should you try to go for the flush draw or the straight draw? The correct answer is: both! By making the 7 your point card, you keep both a flush draw and a straight draw in tact. That makes for a very powerful hand and could be played for all your chips on the flop as you are only a slight dog against anyone holding a set.
    The key to setting your point card is just to avoid making any huge blunders. For example, when you are dealt 7 7 A, the knee-jerk reaction might be to make the A the point card. After all, that is the card that sticks out from the crowd. But this would be a horrible blunder as you would be breaking up your pair of 7s to give yourself A7 twice.

    Give It a Try

    Don't be intimidated by Double Hold'em. Even if you don't feel totally confident about the game yet, realize that the competition is so bad that you don't need to be an expert to win. Avoid the major pitfall of over-valuing mediocre hands and you're already better than the field. This is truly one of the softest poker games out there right now, so visit Party Poker today and give it a try.

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