Seeing 888

Seeing 888 8,1/10 6225 reviews

Jim lived down the hall from me in my first year in college. It wasn’t long before everyone in the small dormitory knew each other, so everyone knew who Jim was; but nobody knew him very well. He was a small guy and looked like he was about fourteen years old. He was extremely shy and quiet, and kept to himself. He said nothing to anyone, and people left him alone. He would be seen at classes and at meals, but not many other times. While most students were meeting new friends and groups of friends were being formed, Jim was not a part of it. He was in the most advanced math and science classes, so we figured he was probably smart and studying all the time. Nobody knew and nobody cared. Jim was just there, an odd guy who was ignored by everyone.

  1. Seeing 88888
  2. Login888
  3. Seeing 888 And 999
  4. Seeing 888 In A Dream

If you are seeing Angel Number 888 in the form of 8:88 or #888 or in phone number 888, then take the time to consider your financial standing. Moreover, it is a sign of encouragement if you have been working hard for the good things ahead. So if you have been scraping by and working hard, then you should continue.

Then one of the guys in my group of friends got to know Jim a little bit. They were lab partners, so they had to talk to each other. Much to his surprise, my friend found out that Jim was a pretty good guy. He was still quiet, and, he had his quirks (like any other normal person). But when he did speak, Jim could be really funny. It wasn’t long and Jim was a part of our group and became a good friend to many in the school. He was small and quiet so when someone started calling him ‘Mouse’ the name stuck. He accepted his new name with good will and humor, which was characteristic of his whole approach to life. Jim was a likable, easy going guy; he didn’t ask for much, was just happy to be here, and quietly accepted whatever life dealt him with gratitude and without complaint. When no one paid him any attention, he was okay with that; and when he became very well liked with many friends, he was okay with that. He seemed more content with life at age eighteen than most people ever are. He wasn’t asking for or expecting anything from anyone. Jim was just a good friend, and once people got to know him, he was respected and liked.

  1. The list of scammer numbers is updated on a regular basis, and our users play a very important role in it: they add new numbers every day. So, if you are suffering from 888 area code scams, please add this phone number to our database and help others save their time from annoying calls.
  2. If you keep seeing the number 111 and 888 on a regular basis is a sign that Angels and Ascended Masters are giving you a message of prosperity and abundance. You will be able to manifest your heart’s desires and dreams of your material and financial goals. You need to step out of your comfort and move towards risks and adventures.

There was another guy in our freshman class, whose real name I do not even remember. His nickname was ‘The Gent,’ as in the gentleman, because of how he dressed. He always wore a long-sleeved white shirt and black pants, and his short hair was always neatly combed. Therefore, he stuck out like a sore thumb among those who were more in style then with long hair, tie-dyed t-shirts, and frayed, bell bottom jeans. I don’t remember anything else about The Gent, because he, like Jim, was quiet. But unlike Jim, I don’t remember that The Gent ever made a single friend at college. And, he did not even finish out the first semester. One day someone just happen to notice that he wasn’t there anymore. As I think back, I wonder what kind of guy he really was. Maybe he was a good guy, too.

I would imagine most of us have said at one time or another about someone, “He’s not too bad once you get to know him,” or, “She’s really pretty nice once you get to know her.” That is what everyone said about Jim. It was impossible for him to make a good first impression. He was so quiet that he was not noticed enough to make any impression at all. But once people got to know him, everyone saw he was a good guy.

Two years later, I got to know Jim even better. Jim, another college friend, and I moved out of the dorm and shared a small apartment for a year. When you live with someone you get to know them on another level, and I learned that though Jim was a good guy who didn’t ask for much out of life, he was not a saint. He had his faults, as we all do, and the three of us would have the usual disagreements and scraps that can come with living in close quarters, even among the best of friends.

People are complex, and it is our foolish sinfulness that makes us so often see them on only one level. Jim and The Gent were both seen as as quiet and strange, and were avoided. Someone else who is quiet might be seen as arrogant and too good to talk to others, when really, they too might be only bashful. Someone else might be a little too outgoing, and is quickly written off as a loudmouth. Another made some questionable decisions in the past, and is from then on written off as a moron or a scoundrel. Each are being seen on only one level, and decisions about them are being made with insufficient information. People are complex, and there is always much more going on that the little bit we see. It is not easy to see a person as they really are, and we never have enough information to fully understand anyone. (continued…)


Galatians 5:14 — The entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Galatians 5:22-23a — But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Jude 1:10a — These people slander whatever they do not understand…

Ephesians 4:32 — Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.


Seeing 8888WhyBet888

(attributed to Plato, Philo, John Watson, Ian MacLaren, and others)

Angel Number 888 is a sign of true happiness in life. A new phase in your life is about, to begin with, abundance and promotion in life. If you are repeatedly seeing the number 888 then a huge amount of happiness is coming in your life. I will tell you how it will link with your life and how you can take advantage of it. Your guardian angel will give you prosperity and happiness very soon.

You will be full of happiness and riches in life. You angel number 888 trying to send you a secret message which will change your life rapidly. There are many meanings of the number 888 in the numerological world. The good thing is that all the meanings are favorable for the person who sees the number 888.


  • 4 Keep Seeing 888 Angel Number?

Angel Number 888 Meaning

Number 8 is governed totally by the house of Saturn. Saturn provides success in carrier, wealth and happiness. Angel Number 888 is the signal of wealth creation and abundance of money in the life of the person who is repeatedly seeing 888. The appearance of this number is a sign that some divine power is trying to tell you something. The divine power of the universe has an eye, especially on you. 8 number is also the force of activity and energy in life.

If you are a businessman, entrepreneur or student then no doubt you are going to meet success in your life. The power of number 888 becomes more powerful if you were born on 8th, 17th or 26th of the month. The sum total of these dates becomes 8 that is why it is more powerful for these people who born on these dates.

Seeing 888

Spiritual Number 888 Significance

Number 888 always bring health, wealth and happiness in the life of people. If you are frequently able to see number 888 then you are truly a fortunate person. A good amount of wealth and happiness is waiting for you ahead in your life. The significance of the number 888 is so powerful that whoever saw 888 numbers in his life, got good health, wealth and happiness. If you are a businessman and waiting for your dream project then get ready you may get that project soon. Even if you are a student and looking for your dream job then this time gives you the best environment to fulfill it.

Seeing 88888

You should use this beautiful time for your good because all the forces are in favor of you. You may find difficulties to adapt new changes in your life but after some time all of your trouble will be gone.

888 numerology

Numerology 888 Number

As you keep seeing 888 numbers in your life, you are on the verge of a new life. This new life is full of harmony in life. The impact of angel number 888 is so strong that it might lead you to a new level in a short period of time. In numerology, 888 is also connected with love and affection which means your relationship with your loved one, family, friends and spouse will be better. This is the reason, numerologist gives plenty of importance to the number 888. You do not need to discourage in your life anymore. You are now under the influence of numerology number 888. Which is the sign of a totally balanced life in all ways? You will explore new adventures and opportunities during this time.

Keep Seeing 888 Angel Number?

If the appearance of the number 888 is not usual and you see it on and on then your guardian angel is trying to help you. The more you see it the better it will help you to reach on a new level. 888 angel number is your fortunate number which shows you your direction in life.

You need to follow the guidance of the guardian angel. This guidance will not be given to you directly but you have to understand the pattern of the guardian angel. New opportunities, new levels, promotion and a new path in life are the sign of guidance which will help you to go ahead in life.

The power of 8 becomes more strong because of having three times 8 in 888. Now, this is your responsibility, how you will manage these opportunities. You may find some obstacles to achieve these opportunities but you have to overcome it and achieve your goal. Once you surpassed these obstacles then you have to collect rewards of success only.

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  1. Enter your Name & Birth Date.
  2. Answer Some Question about yourself.
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Seeing 888 And 999

Angel Number 888 Meaning

Seeing 888 In A Dream

If you have been seeing 888 and other repetitive numbers, pay heed! This might carry a message from your soul and universe. Angel Number 888 is a message from spirits and angels signifying your spiritual growth as an infinite being.